Watch Oni Chi Chi
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I swear some of you people are just trying to stir up drama on this site. I am not a very large Dragonball fan, I like the show. I don't watch the crap of the series a few times a week (I try to avoid Dragonball at all costs), I watched it once and it was enough for me. I did not even know there was a english version of the show until I got here. I first watched the Dragonball Kai English version. I do not watch the Dragonball Z English version. I don't care what you say, the Dragonball Z English version is the best Dragonball series (it is Dragonball Z after all) so there is no way in hell you can change the articles names to the Japanese version. I don't care what you say, it is just a silly argument and a waste of time to continue this pointless argument. Go back to your comic book reader and stop arguing with people on this page. Go back to your comic book reader and stop arguing with people on this page. Etc
No one actually cares about this argument. They only care about Dragonball. I have seen the show. I can't understand what you are talking about but I know it has something to do with fighting. So there. The english version of Dragonball is the only one I will ever watch. I'm not trying to be a dick about this, I just find it funny that when I click on a page name to look up a cool thing to say like I did with the Dragonball article, you change the name to the crap of the Dragonball series. When I click on the article of the english version of Dragonball I want to read a cool article about Dragonball. I got spoiled on the english version of Dragonball so I will never again waste my time on the crap Dragonball series.
I started watching Dragonball Z in 1997/1998, then again in 2003. The first time I watched it I didn't get it. Then the second time I watched it I kinda liked it, but now I can appreciate it more. Every time I have watched it, I have laughed just as loud as the rest of you. The reason I started watching it is because of a friend of mine. He was telling me how awesome Dragonball Z is, I was listening to him, and then I watched it. I found it silly, but when I started watching it I liked it more, and now I love it. I am not trying to offend anyone or be a dick, just trying to explain my point of view.
The only people who would be offended by the ridiculous name are die-hard Dragonball fans who speak Japanese. That is pretty much it, and yes I am one of those people. I think the English names are a rather nice touch. I am going to go watch some Dragonball now.
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