[S3E5] Lifeline
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As Spider-Man tries to swing through the storm, he is caught up in the powerful winds and blown around in a circular pattern. The camera pulls back to reveal that Koga has taken a special interest in the wall-crawler and is watching him flail through his crystal ball. Then Spider-Man begins to bounce off the edges of the mystic sphere [Wait. He was in a summer snowstorm, now he's trapped inside a crystal ball] To confuse the viewer even more, Spider-Man creates a makeshift lifeline between the sides of the crystal ball with his webbing [What Do you ever walk out to your mailbox only to find out that you're literally trapped inside your TV set] Spider-Man escapes from the crystal ball [Which, by the way, tears open like paper. They managed to forget it's made of GLASS] and quickly grows to full size under his own power, presumably. [They've stopped trying to make sense and therefore I will follow suit.]
The National Suicide Prevention Lifelinesuicidepreventionlifeline.orgAvailable to anyone in crisis, feeling suicidal or in emotional distress. You can speak to them online or over the phone by calling 1-800-273-8255.
So when we talk about. So that's a huge part of what I'm very interested in you talk about evidence based versus evidence informed I am a McMaster University graduate. I come from the school Gord Guyatt who is the evidence-based medicine guru. So I am really kind of outside the canoe right now and kind of floating in the water here and I'm looking to create a body of evidence that supports the work that I do and I'm looking to my colleagues in the other can do to try and throw me a lifeline and pull me in and continue doing that research right. So what we're doing with all this data collection we need answers like when people ask me why does this work. Well this is kind of how we think it works. And how does it work in your body. Well for Kirk your your genetic predisposition your genetic expression of CB1 and CB2 receptors and all the variants your cannabis might be different. Whereas Jackie my clinic manager here I look at her genetic expression she might require different cannabinoid profile. So when you start thinking about that. Could we talk about you as a man of a certain age with certain illness as a as a star in the sky or are you are you. Do you belong to a group of folks like you and a constellation. do I make medicine for that constellation or do you make medicine for you. It gives me answers and this is what we need. So when we talk about these patients coming to us that are you know they've been on a litany of medicines. They're there immobile their quality of life is the pits. What medicines are they on and are those medicines really working for them. Let's do a profile.
In addition to his role as VP of Projects & Community Engagement at Life Remodeled, Dwan is also the Founder & CEO of Black Leaders Detroit (BLD) spearheading an emergency funding initiative to help Detroit-based, black-owned, small businesses weather the COVID-19 storm. Given the disproportionate effect the corona virus crisis has had on the health and socio-economic well-being of African Americans, BLD and the Restore the Village Fund has become an essential lifeline.
I have owned and ridden a bike in Tyler since my arrival in 2008. But the past three weeks, these rides have become a lifeline. A moment out of the house with a good music playlist and nods of solidarity with fellow riders and walkers have been good medicine, indeed. Last week, as I was riding home, I noticed a new sign at St. Francis Episcopal Church. I wondered what kind of help they are offering and what kinds of responses they have received. I left a message at the number and, several days later, had an interview with the Rev. Mitchell Tollett. Here is his story in his own words, edited for clarity and length. 59ce067264