Agnihotri's Self Confidence Inventory Questionnaire Pdf
HUMSQ is a 5-item questionnaire that was translated into Chinese and used in this study [20]. The Cronbach’s α coefficient of this study is 0.80. The results indicate good internal consistency.
The statistical software of SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical analysis. The measurement model was tested by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), a measurement model of self-report is considered to be of good fit when the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is less than 0.08 and the root mean square standardized residual (SRMR) is less than 0.08 [24, 25]. Construct validity was tested by the factor loadings and standardised factor loadings. The variance extracted (VIF) can also be used to test construct validity. The average variance extracted (AVE) represents the average variance extracted by each observed variable, and the square root of the average variance extracted (S-RVE) represents the maximum variance that is shared by all observed variables. The closer they are to 1, the more the construct is valid. The composite reliability (CR) is the reliability of the constructs and a value higher than 0.7 is acceptable. Cronbach’s α was used to evaluate the reliability [26]. The structural equation model (SEM) was used to test the hypothesis.
MSPSS is an 18-item questionnaire which was developed by Mishel et al. in 1989 [23]. It was translated into Chinese and used in this study [20]. The SPS scores was added to the MSPSS to create the SPS-MSPSS. The Cronbach’s α coefficient of this study is 0.837. The results indicate good internal consistency. The final score was used to calculate the SPS-MSPSS (ranging from 0 to 72). The lower the score, the better the social support.
A total of 327 (258 female and 69 male) participants responded to the questionnaires and the response rate was 91.6%. The mean age of the subjects was 23.14 ± 1.95 years (range 19–32). The mean PSQI score was 4.65 ± 2.74 points.
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