Naked In Change Room [NEW]
As part of this commitment to ensure all individuals feel comfortable, we are reviewing lock room floorplans across all facilities within our association. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to additional privacy if desired and needed.
"As I was showering after my workout, I saw a naked male in the women's locker room. I immediately went back into the shower, terrified, and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone," Phillips told the city council.
The YMCA of San Diego County gave an official statement on the incident to local news station KUSI, writing, "We are aware of a situation involving two members in the locker room of the Santee YMCA earlier this month. The comfort and safety of all our members is our highest priority."
"As part of this commitment to ensure all individuals feel comfortable, we are reviewing lock room floorplans across all facilities within our association. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to additional privacy if desired and needed," the YMCA concluded.
My amazing new home town of Hamilton, Ontario has been renovating its swimming and recreation centres, and as part of that work has been installing gender-neutral change rooms. I do not identify as fluid, but I do identify as an LGBTQ ally, so I cheer this decision; I want to use the change rooms in order to show my support for their construction, and in order to show my support for non-binary folks using the space. Thus, when I went to a new pool in the suburb of Ancaster in early November, I bounced right on in through the middle door, without a second thought.
Julia advised me ahead of time that I needed no swim suit in the sauna area of the spa; it is considered inappropriate and unhygienic to wear one. Everyone changes into a robe or towel in the communal change room, then attends each of the saunas and plunge pools nude. This is traditional, and ingrained in German culture; the space of the spa is one where all bodies are welcome, and where nobody is to be leered at or commented upon inappropriately.
Earlier this month, Phillips got out of the shower at the YMCA Santee facility and noticed a naked man walking around the locker room. Speaking to the Santee city council last week, Philliips explained that she immediately went back into the shower and hid behind the curtain until the man was gone.
Phillips asked YMCA management what their policy was regarding transgenders. According to her, management explained that the man she saw naked in the locker room can shower wherever he pleased as long as he was not on the California sex registry.
A 17-year-old girl joined Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night to discuss an incident in which she found herself naked in a YMCA women's locker room alongside a biological man, who identifies as a transgender woman, and the YMCA's relative inaction following the event.
On Wednesday, Brady joined Stern for two hours, discussing a variety of topics, from his departure from New England, marriage hurdles, and relationship with President Donald Trump. In typical fashion, Stern got Brady to open up on perhaps the strangest part of an athlete's job: showering and getting dressed in a room with dozens of other men.
Stern responded, asking incredulously if Rob Gronkowski looked the same as everyone else. While Brady didn't go into detail beyond noting that Gronkowski has a "great physique" and that "most guys would wanna look like Gronk," he did say the former Patriots tight end used to confidently walk around the locker room naked, even when reporters were in the room.
"Gronk would get naked and literally throw his towel over his shoulder and just walk through the locker room with all the reporters. I would just laugh. Because Gronk obviously, he didn't give a s---. He would just strut through."
It can often be a sight in the locker rooms of private gyms that those who have enjoyed a sweaty work out might take a little time to refresh, possibly in a naked state between showering and getting dressed.
This is a matter that has been hotly debated on Somerset Facebook group All New Spotted Street, Glastonbury & surrounding area following a parent with young children being confronted with a naked woman, who wasn't shy about being bare in the changing room.
As always, a spirit of competition hovers in the locker room - a game is being played. I haven't figured out the rules, or the ultimate goal, but I'm pretty certain the main action is to carry on as many arguments as possible without acknowledging the fact that everyone is naked. With few exceptions, the older men - professors emeritus, mostly - have the best endurance for it (there is, however, a Frenchman in his mid-20s, a candidate for a Master of Fine Arts, who has proved himself precociously skilled). They stand at the sinks and sit on the benches for what seems like hours at a time, gabbing.
I'm sure some sociologist somewhere has written a master's thesis on this. So what's going on? Here's my theory. In an earlier age, there were lots of spaces where men could be with other men without any women around-the office, the social club, the golf course, and a hundred others. As time has gone on, the all-male character of those places has disappeared, and so the locker room is one of the few places left where women are literally locked out. And then you get whatever you get when a bunch of men are left all in one place: a faint homoerotic buzz, existing just under the surface of most of their consciousnesses. Just like you find on, say, a submarine.
For the older men, that little thrill they get from standing naked in front of another guy for 45 minutes is safe, because when they grew up, homosexuality was shoved so far out of public view that for straight people it was almost an absurdity. So they can dip their toe into that pool, so to speak, without having any kind of complicated thoughts about their identity. Just a guy, standing here naked in front of a bunch of other guys. For some people it's obviously liberating.
The HBO drama series Euphoria aired its much-discussed locker room scene in the UK on Sky Atlantic tonight (August 13), which sees villainous and repressed jock Nate Jacobs (Jacob Elordi) in a locker room with his teammates as they celebrate, but he tries his best to avoid his teammates penises which disgust him.
American professional sports teams have traditionally thrown open the doors to their locker rooms after games, but that policy has come under the microscope after what can only be described as a major balls-up by the NFL Network following the Cincinnati Bengals' victory over Buffalo on Sunday.
Bengals offensive lineman Andrew Whitworth was one of several players caught on camera in the background during a live interview with team-mate Adam Jones, and the ten-year veteran wants an end to the traditional opening of locker rooms to the media.
"This is my office space. I shouldn't have to change in it and be in front of people I don't know or really don't have any purpose of being near me other than the fact they are interviewing other people.
"It's not like it bothers me personally. [But] you can't judge us off who we will and won't accept into our locker room and then say all these things we have to do, but then also put us in a situation where every single day I have to change clothes and be naked or not in front of media.
The facility will shutter all of Saturday, just days after locking up early because hundreds gathered outside to rail against a California civil rights law requiring equal accommodations, including access to bathrooms.
After we finished playing racquetball, we returned to the locker room. We were carrying on a conversation, so rather than wait in the toilet stall or linger near the lockers while he showered (my previous way of avoiding nakedness), I said a quick prayer and decided to shower at the same time as him. After all, we had been talking before we started showering, so I just continued the conversation as we moved toward the showers.
The Bengals should be celebrating their 34-21 win over the Bills on Sunday, but some of them are having to deal with an incident that took place after the game in the locker room that was nationally televised.
"It doesn't bother me personally," said Whitworth, as reported by Local 18's Joe Danneman. "But, as a guy who has always been against this policy (allowing reporters into NFL locker rooms), I think it's a great example why the open media room policy is old and needs to change."
"This is my office space, I shouldn't have to change in it," Whitworth said. "Every single day I have to change clothes and be naked, or not, in front of media. It's just not right. There's no office - there's no other situation in America where you have to do that and it's dated, it's old and it needs to change."
Whitworth knows this was a mistake that could have been easily avoided had proper steps been taken. He also knows that this would have been a much bigger controversy nationally had this involved naked women caught on camera.
"If I was a woman, this would be a complete different subject," Whitworth said. "It would be a firestorm. So, we can't always just serve women and everyone else, men deserve a right, too. We have rights. We have privacy. We deserve all the things we want as well. As a man, I think it's right that the policy is changed."
The YMCA has cited state and county laws redefining gender and allowing trans individuals to use facilities that suit their gender identity, not their birth gender, regardless of whether or not the individual has undergone sex-change surgery.
In Port Townsend, Washington state, an 80-year-old woman, Julie Jaman, had her membership revoked after loudly complaining about a trans woman whom she claimed was staring at young girls in a YMCA bathroom, the New York Post has reported. 2b1af7f3a8